Welcome to J6 Church of Christ!

We are a caring, Christian family and are looking forward to your visit.

When you are visiting any church for the first time, the unknown components may be unsettling. We do not want unanswered questions to cause you needless anxiety so we have attempted to provide answers to some common questions. We want to put you at ease, and for your first visit to J6 Church to be uplifting for your whole family.

 You may find the following information to be helpful as you plan for your visit.

Where Do I Go?

When you arrive continue into the auditorium. Bible Class begins at 10:00 am. The morning worship service begins at 11:00 am with the teens and adults congregating in the main auditorium. Children are invited to remain with their parents in the main service. We also have a nursery available for infants and toddlers.

What Can I Expect?


Every service gives you an opportunity to join us in singing hymns and spiritual songs as a congregation. Each pew provides songbooks for you to use.


We are a church that believes in prayer. Throughout the service, different men who are members of the church lead prayers. Some of these prayers deal with the needs and requests of our church family and friends, while others simply praise and thank God for His goodness and faithfulness.


We believe in partaking of the Lord’s Supper to be one of the most important acts of worship when we meet each Sunday. The Lord’s Supper will be passed to the church family while you remain in your seat.


Each week our members have an opportunity to give an offering to the Lord. While you are welcome to participate in the offering if you desire, we want you to know that we do not expect your participation. We want our service to be a gift to you.


We consider the preaching and teaching of the Word of God to be an important time of the service. We believe that the best support comes from the instruction you receive from the Word of God.


At the end of the sermon, our minister will ask everyone to stand and will give an invitation. This is a time for anyone in need to respond by walking down the aisle and letting your need be known to our pulpit minister or an elder. You may need prayer or have made a decision to trust Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and be baptized. Whatever your need may be, the invitation is open to you to come forward.

If you would like someone to pray with your privately, you may let that be known as well.

We Invite You To Come Visit Us!

If you cannot come on Sunday morning then we invite you to visit one of our home bible studies. There are bible study groups available in Benson, Tucson and Willcox. Please call the church office for specific dates and times at 520-586-3423, or head to our Contact page to send an email by clicking HERE.

If interested in applying to be a pulpit minister, please click the link HERE for more information.