Make A Difference Day 2017

This year as a church we participated in Make A Difference Day by lending a hand to our local Old Vail Middle School. We are so thankful to be able to help out and give back!

Christmas Party 2017

Every year our youth group and their families host a Christmas party to help raise money for their summer mission trip. They cook dinner, host a hilarious white elephant gift exchange, we build ginger bread houses, and have a ton of fun with one another. It's truly is a blast!

Christmas Ministry 2017

Adopting a few families for Christmas is something we look forward to most in December! We have such a wonderful church family who really knows how to rally around! Thank you to everyone who contributed their time, effort, and love to helping make someone's Christmas that much better! Especially Brandy Owen who was the mastermind behind the organization and coordination of such a big effort! Thank you!

Annual Christmas Breakfast 2017

Every year around Christmas our church family goes all out for our "big breakfast" before class and worship. We have some of the best cooks around - it is truly a delicious team effort!

We'd love for your to join us next time!

Mission Trip: Washington, DC

Our youth group was able to travel to and minister in Washington, DC in June during their annual mission trip. Check out some of their testimonies (along with their fun pictures!).

Leadership Training for Christ

Our youth recently participated in the annual Leadership Training for Christ, where kids from all around southern Arizona come together to worship God in various ways and showcase what they’ve been practicing! Click HERE to fine more information about LTC.  

Easter Sunday

We enjoyed worshipping together as a family this past Sunday celebrating Eater. We ended our worship service with an Easter Egg Hunt for our kids!